What to Expect When You Visit RPC
We look forward to welcoming you to RPC. Worship begins at 10:30 am, except during July and August when it begins at 10:00 am.
Where do I park?
We have a parking lot on the north side of the church. If the lot fills up, you can park on either side of the Henry Hudson Parkway service road. Please take care crossing the street.
Where do I go when I get there?
Our famous red doors at the front of the church face Henry Hudson Parkway, and that is our main entrance. If you park in the parking lot, you can come in through the auditorium doors on our lower level. Head upstairs to the sanctuary. We have an accessible entrance just to the right of the main entrance. An usher will greet you, give you a bulletin and direct you to a pew.
What time do I need to arrive?
Services start at 10:30 a.m., except during the summer months (July and August), when our services begin at 10:00 a.m. You are very welcome to arrive earlier to settle in and enjoy some quiet time.
What if I’m late?
Ushers can help you if you arrive late for a service. The best time to be seated after the service has begun is during a hymn.
What’s the dress code?
There is no set dress code. Come as you are. You will see a variety of clothing styles: men in suits, khakis, dress shirts or polo shirts. Women wear dresses, skirts and slacks.
Can I take communion, even if I am not a member of RPC?
Anyone seeking a new life in Christ is welcome to participate in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. You don’t have to be Presbyterian, a member of a church, or baptized. There is no age requirement. At RPC, we have communion the first Sunday of each month. The elements (bread and grape juice) usually are brought to you by communion servers as you sit in your pew. At RPC, we usually wait until everyone is served before we partake of either the bread or the cup. Please put used communion cups in the holding racks directly in front of you in your pew.
On occasion, we serve Communion by intinction. If this method is used, the elements will be offered in two or three places at the front of the sanctuary. Celebrants who are able come forward and take a piece of bread and an individual cup of juice or dip the bread into a common cup. You may eat it immediately or when you return to your seat. Those who are unable to come forward will be served in their seats.
What is the worship service like?
A Sunday morning worship service at Riverdale Presbyterian Church begins with the ringing of RPC’s church bells and is uplifting and traditional. The bulletin will detail for you the order of worship. The worship leaders and choir members wear robes. As you enter, many folks will be greeting each other, reading, or sitting quietly in the pews. Announcements for the upcoming weeks precede worship. During the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, our congregation uses “debts” instead of “trespasses.” Obviously, you are free to use either; we just don’t want you to be surprised.
The service will also include:
- Several hymns and musical responses sung throughout worship by the congregation, accompanied by the choir and organ or piano.
- Prayers of Confession and Pardon.
- The Passing of the Peace, when attendees leave their pews to greet one another saying, “The peace of Christ be with you” or “Peace be with you.” RPC’s Passing of the Peace tends to be rather boisterous.
- Special music by the Chancel Choir or musician(s).
- Hebrew scripture reading and either a Gospel or Epistle reading.
- A sermon.
- An offering and blessing.
- Prayers of Intercession and Thanksgiving for the sick and concerns of the church and world.
- A Benediction and Postlude, during which congregants remain seated in quiet listening or meditation until the church bells are rung again.
Large print hymnals are available. Listening devices are also available in the narthex.
Is worship available for those who are homebound?
Since the COVID-19 pandemic forced the temporary closure of our sanctuary, RPC has offered a zoom link so that those unable to come to RPC in person may attend worship remotely. Zoom links are included in the eWeekly. Please email the church to be added to the RPC eWeekly listserv.
Whom should I contact if I have other questions?
The church office is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Call 718-796-5560. Our church secretary will be happy to answer your question or direct you to someone who can. Or send an email to our church office. On Sunday mornings, an usher or greeter will be happy to assist you if you have a question.
RPC publishes eWeeklies to keep congregants informed of upcoming events, prayer requests, and other relevant information. When worship or programs are broadcast over zoom, the eWeekly provides zoom links. Please email the church to be added to the RPC eWeekly listserv.